SERVE 2023

Ian Powell

Andrew Lubbock
Associate Minister
Serve 2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
As we approach the end of the year, we’re asking you to consider how you might be involved serving God and his people at St Matthew’s Anglican in 2023. Serving is one of the primary ways that we share life together in our church family, along with regular church service attendance, and participating in a St Matt’s Life Group.
Serve 2023 is just a first step to help us identify those areas of ministry in which you might serve. At this stage, we are not looking for an absolute commitment, just an expression of your desire to begin to serve, or serve in a new role.
We are asking that you would do two things:
- Think, pray and discuss with those close to you about how you might serve our great God and his people–on Sundays and beyond. To help you work out which area might be right for you, we’re including in this booklet a brief description of each of the ministries for which you can volunteer. If you have any questions, please feel free to speak to the ministry team.
- Let us know by Friday 4 November in which area of ministry you would like to begin to serve. Please respond via the electronic form on our church website.
**If you will continue to serve in the same area(s) in 2023, confirm with your team leader. Do not fill out the electronic form.
Later this year, our leaders will be in touch to discuss how you might serve in those areas of ministry in which you have expressed interest. For many of our ministries, we will run training events in the first term of next year. More information ASAP.
Please note that certain prerequisites are prescribed for all our ministries. This is to ensure that our volunteers are cared for, and to protect the integrity of each ministry.
In most cases, we ask that people be first of all regularly committed to St Matthew’s church service, and Life Group, attendance. This is because our priority is the Christian discipleship and growth of each person, in the context of closeknit community at St Matt’s. Serving in a ministry area extends out of this.
In all cases, we ask that all volunteers be committed to practicing safe ministry at our church. Many areas of service will have specific safe ministry requirements. The ACT Government’s Working With Vulnerable People (WWVP) can be applied for online. Anglican Safe Ministry Training is our denomination’s training in relation to safe ministry and abuse matters, and is offered online and in person.
Brothers and sisters, we rejoice in serving alongside you in Christ’s mission.
Ian, Andrew L and the ministry team
Ministry Descriptions
Sunday and Tuesday Services
Bible reading
This is a very important, straightforward act of service that involves thoughtful preparation so that God’s Word is read well, and listeners understand.
Prerequisites: regular St Matt’s church service and St Matt’s Life Group attendance, willingness to learn and develop through training, Safe Ministry Declaration.
These people lead the family of God in prayer to the Throne of God during our church gatherings. Training provided.
Prerequisites: regular St Matt’s church service and St Matt’s Life Group attendance, willingness to learn and develop through training, Safe Ministry Declaration.
Service Leaders
The vital role of leading God’s people in His presence. Involves thoughtful and prayerful preparation, including conversation with preacher and ministry staff.
Prerequisites: regular St Matt’s church service and St Matt’s Life Group attendance, willingness to learn and develop through training, WWVP, Safe Ministry Check, Safe Ministry Training.
This is the first moment of greeting regular members, and welcoming newcomers.
Arrive early, set up the equipment, pray, prepare to greet attendees to the service.
Prerequisites: regular St Matt’s church service and St Matt’s Life Group or Youth Group attendance, training, WWVP, Safe Ministry Check, Safe Ministry Training.
Welcome Team
It’s important that everyone, visitor or regular, receives a warm welcome to church. Team members arrive early, pray together, and greet people pre- and post-service.
Prerequisites: regular St Matt’s church service and St Matt’s Life Group attendance, training, WWVP, Safe Ministry Check, Safe Ministry Training.
Music ministry
Singers and instrumentalists in late high school and older who want to serve God and the church by being part of one of our Sunday or Tuesday service music teams. Each of our Sunday services is led by one of three or four teams that play on a rotational roster. Players will serve at least every three or four weeks and attend a rehearsal in advance of their service.
For our contemporary style services, we are looking for skilled singers, drummers, bass players, guitarists and keyboard players. For our more traditional style services (including the Tuesday service) we are looking for pianists, singers and acoustic instrumentalists who are comfortable playing in a more hymnic style. Please note that as the needs of the music ministry fluctuate, so do spaces for various instruments.
Prerequisites include: regular attendance at a St Matthew’s service, active participation in a St Matt’s Life or Youth Group, initial audition and serving conversation, Safe Ministry Declaration.
Sound desk
Our sound desk operators ensure that all elements of our Sunday and Tuesday services can be clearly heard. They work alongside the music teams and attend rehearsals. This role will suit those who have good hearing, enjoy listening to music and who have some technical ability. Full training is provided.
Prerequisites: regular attendance at a St Matthew’s service, training (provided), Safe Ministry Declaration.
ProPresenter Volunteers (Sunday)
ProPresenter is our in-Service presentation software. Volunteers ensure slides and video transition in a helpful and non-distracting way. Full training is provided.
Prerequisites: regular St Matt’s Sunday church attendance, training, Safe Ministry Declaration.
PowerPoint operators (Tuesday)
Computer operators ensure that the visual component of our services is presented effectively. Full training is provided.
Prerequisites: regular St Matthew’s Tuesday church attendance, training, Safe Ministry Declaration.
Holy Communion Set Up/Pack Up
Volunteers help set up the Communion Table 30 minutes before service starts, and help pack up after the service. Training and notes are provided.
Prerequisites: regular St Matt’s church service attendance, Safe Ministry Declaration, meeting/ training once a year.
Kids refreshments (10am Sunday Service)
Volunteers provide fruit/biscuits and serve to the kids after the service. Training and notes are provided.
Prerequisites: regular St Matt’s church service attendance, Safe Ministry Declaration.
Post-Service refreshments (Sunday only)
Volunteers work in teams to set up 20 minutes before the service starts and clean up after the service. The team provides milk and biscuits/cake/slice. Training and notes are provided.
Prerequisites: regular St Matthew’s church attendance, Safe Ministry Declaration, meeting / training twice a year.
Tuesday Lunch–Kitchen
Lunch happens fortnightly after the Tuesday Service. Volunteers share the preparation and cooking of the main course and dessert, serve up the food and clean up after.
Prerequisites: regular St Matthew’s church attendance, Safe Ministry Declaration.
Tuesday Lunch–Set up
The Set up team work together to set tables and chairs before the service.
Prerequisites: regular St Matthew’s church attendance, physical ability to lift tables and chairs, Safe Ministry Declaration.
Tuesday Service–Transport
A number of the elderly attendees need transport to and from church. Volunteers will enable those who no longer can drive themselves to attend the Tuesday Service and continue to gather with God’s people.
Prerequisites: regular St Matt’s church service and St Matt’s Life Group attendance, Safe Ministry Check, Safe Ministry Training, WWVP card, Approved Driver Application, Current Driver Licence and safe driving record.
Additional Ministry
Friends of Jesus
We share the good news of Jesus Christ with people with special needs. FoJ meets from 6-8:30pm fortnightly on a Thursday during school terms. A typical evening comprises games, dinner together, Bible reading and learning from God’s Word, and an activity. Volunteers can help prepare meals, assist in the kitchen, assist with games, Bible devotions, craft, and general social interaction.
Prerequisites: a love for the Lord Jesus and people; WWVP; Safe Ministry Check, Safe Ministry Training; regular St Matt’s church service and St Matt’s Life Group attendance.
Women’s ministry team
Out team runs events throughout the year to encourage and build up Christian women, and to share the gospel with those who do not know Jesus. Events provide an opportunity for women to hear other women preach and teach God’s word.
Prerequisites: love Jesus, have a heart to serve, be part of St Matt’s church community through regular St Matt’s church service and St Matt’s Life Group attendance, Safe Ministry Declaration.
Women on Thursday (WOT) Crèche
WOT provides crèche for pre-schoolers on Thursday mornings during school term. Helpers care for the children from 9:30am-11:30am, freeing parents for Bible study. Remuneration ($20/hr) available.
Prerequisites: regular St Matt’s church service and St Matt’s Life Group attendance, training, WWVP, Safe Ministry Check.
Kids Ministry
Our Kids and Families ministry seeks to partner with parents and leaders to grow lifelong disciples of Jesus. The ministries can be broken into five main categories –
- Evangelism;
- Discipleship;
- Pathways;
- Parenting; and
- Leading Leaders.
To join one of the kids ministry teams, you will need to be humble, teachable, and ready to serve with a team-oriented mindset, able to take direction. You will also need to be a growing Christian demonstrated through regular St Matts attendance, be involved with a weekly Life Group or equivalent, and ensure your Safe Ministry training is up to date (WWVP, Safe Ministry Check, Safe Ministry Training).
Ministry: Evangelising Kids…for non-churched kids (those not discipled at home)
Mission: Introducing children to the Saving King Jesus (aka Evangelism) (helping them come to know Jesus by repeatedly sharing the gospel of grace)
- Schools Ministry Teams eg: Monash CEIS Scripture (once a term) Wanniassa SUPA Club (weekly)
- Holiday Kids Clubs (presently in April school hols, various roles, team: 25)
- FISH (Weekly Friday afternoon Kids Club)
Ministry: Discipling kids…for churched kids (those discipled in Christian homes)
Mission: Helping children grow in following Jesus for life (aka Discipleship–helping them apply God’s word, putting into practice living for Jesus)
- K@Ch Teaching Leader (5 times a term–Sundays 10am)
- K@Ch Assistant Leader (5 times a term–Sundays 10am)
- K@Ch Variety Week/Holiday Leader (1 time a term–Sundays 10am)
- Weekend Away–Church Camp Kids Program (once a year)
Ministry: Pathways (Contact/ Membership/ Transitions)
Mission: Ensuring strong pathways in and from the Kids Ministries
- Crèche Team (once a month)
- Playgroup Team (weekly–variety of roles)
- Kids Min Admin help (Newcomers/ Transitions/ Meetings / Camps/ Comms)
Ministry: Parents
Mission: Equipping parents to raise their children in training and instruction of the Lord
Note: These are all presently once-a-term levels of commitment.
- Kids/Parents Spots–this will be a small team that receives input and training.
- Parenting Afternoon Teas–this will be a small team (working committee).
- Parents Picnic in the Park fellowship–small team to help with logistics.
- Pastoral Visitation & Prayer–small team willing to help visit needy parents.
Ministry: Leading Leaders
Mission: Leading leaders to serve the vision/mission faithfully, engagingly, joyfully, sustainably
These program specific roles involve on-the-ground leading of leaders. Substantial roles, appointed by Kids Minister. Express your interest to Phill Evans.
- Playgroup – Previous year: Hannah Vella
- Schools – Previous year: Matt Hammann
- Creche – Previous year: Anna Clarke
- FISH – Previous Year: Phill Evans
- K@Ch – Previous year: Phill Evans
Run every Wednesday morning during school terms, St Matt’s Playgroup is for pre-school children and their parents/carers. Our goal is to offer a fun, safe connection with children and their parents from within and outside St Matthew’s. As we build relationships, we seek to help strangers of Jesus to become believers in Him. Members of the team serve in a variety of ways: talk with parents/carers, play with the children, lead the shared story reading time or organise the morning tea. Volunteers serve weekly or fortnightly on Wednesday mornings (9am-12pm).
Prerequisites: regular St Matt’s church service and St Matt’s Life Group attendance, training, WWVP, Safe Ministry Check, Safe Ministry Training.
During our 9:30am Sunday service we run a crèche for children aged 18 months to 4 years. A group of dedicated volunteers looks after the children during school terms. Not only does crèche allow parents to listen to God’s word undistracted, it’s also an important point of contact with newcomers as we welcome new families to church.
Prerequisites: regular St Matt’s church service attendance, regular St Matthew’s Life or Youth Group attendance, training, WWVP, Safe Ministry Check, Safe Ministry Training.
Youth Ministry
Our Youth Ministry seeks to make disciples of Jesus. We actively bring children and youth to Jesus through the teaching of God’s Word and prayer. We also equip parents to raise their children in the training and instruction of the Lord.
Leaders are drawn from amongst regular Church attenders, are asked to undertake WWVP check, Safe Ministry Questionnaire, Safe Ministry Training, need to be committed to growth in their walk with Jesus, and investing in their team.
D (discipleship)–Teams (Mon/Tues/Wed)
Throughout the week we have ‘D-Teams’. In these small groups our faithful, dedicated leaders share their lives and God’s Word with the youth. D-Teams meet during Term time on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Sundays.
Prerequisites: regular church attendance, regular Life Group attendance, regular daily SOAP, commitment to weekly ministry, WWVP, Safe Ministry Check, Safe Ministry Training. Meeting with the Youth Pastor 1 to 1 once every 5 weeks.
Friday Nights
On Friday nights of the school term, a team of faithful, dedicated leaders weekly serve the youth at St Matt’s and the wider Canberra community by sharing the life-changing good news of Jesus.
Prerequisites: regular church attendance, regular Life Group attendance, regular daily SOAP, commitment to weekly ministry, WWVP, Safe Ministry Check, Safe Ministry Training.
Reaching Out
Local Good News Team
A team of people with a special concern for the 1000s in South Canberra who are strangers to Jesus Christ, to His forgiveness and His love for them. They will work with Ian and the staff to pray, research and seek new and fresh ways, along with tried and true ways, to give people a chance to hear of Jesus.
Prerequisites: regular St Matt’s church service and St Matt’s Life Group attendance, WWVP, Safe Ministry Check, Safe Ministry Training.
Connecting with Seniors
We want people who would love to bring church to those in our community who can’t make it. We would like volunteers who seek to bring the elements of church such as fellowship, edification and encouragement via phone calls and home visits.
Prerequisites: regular St Matt’s church service and St Matt’s Life Group attendance, WWVP, Safe Ministry Check, Safe Ministry Training.
Goodwin services (resuming 10 November 2021)
Church Services are held fortnightly on Wednesday mornings currently at David Harper House. Volunteers help set up the room, welcome and assist residents during the service, connect with the residents outside the service and are involve in running the service (leading, Bible reading, prayer, music, giving a testimony).
Prerequisites: regular St Matt’s church service and St Matt’s Life Group attendance, training, WWVP, Safe Ministry Check, Safe Ministry Training. On top of Goodwin requirements of: AFP police check, COVID and flu vaccinations, volunteer forms and a statutory declaration.
Life Groups
Life Group Leader
Our Life Groups are an essential ministry for St Matthew’s. They help people connect with each other and understand God’s word better. We want leaders who are willing to equip other members of St Matthew’s to be able to read, understand and apply God’s word for themselves. Our Life Groups are not just an event for the week, but an ongoing relational network that exits all the time, to help foster fellowship, discipleship and evangelism.
Prerequisites: regular St Matt’s church service and St Matt’s Life Group attendance, WWVP, Safe Ministry Check, Safe Ministry Training, agree with doctrine, vision and mission of St Matt’s.
Key Support Ministries
Graphic Design Volunteer
Our clear presentation helps engagement. Make announcement slides, postcards and other graphics as needs arise (occasional–once a month or less).
Prerequisites: regular St Matt’s church service attendance, Graphic design experience and software, small portfolio (2 or 3 past works).
Web Design Volunteer
Create new pages on the St Matt’s website as needs arise (once a term or less).
Prerequisites: regular St Matt’s church service attendance, WordPress and Divi experience.
Film Production or Editing Volunteer
Use your video production skills to film or edit short videos such as interviews, announcements etc. Occasionally assist with livestreamed events.
Prerequisites: regular St Matt’s church service attendance, video production.
Church Cleaning
We currently have eight teams and each team does a clean of the church building on an eight week roster (more teams would mean less often for each team). This is to ensure that it is welcoming, presentable and safe for gatherings of people in the ministry of the Gospel of Jesus. Cleaning is done on Saturdays in a team of 6-8 people. Instructions and all equipment will be provided.
Prerequisites: regular St Matt’s church service attendance, Safe Ministry Declaration.
Hospitality for Events
Many events at St Matt’s involve food, such as Connect Meals and funerals. Volunteers could be asked to provide food (dishes, desserts, snacks) when the need arises, or help serve food/ drinks, and clean up after the event.
Prerequisites: regular church attendance, Safe Ministry Declaration.
St Matthew's Anglican Church
5 Laurens St, Wanniassa,
ACT 2903
(02) 6231 7347
Contact Us
Copyright © 2022 St Matthew's Wanniassa
Created by Pete
Tuesday 11:30am
Traditional Service
Sunday 8am
Contemporary Classical
Anglican Service
Sunday 10am
Contemporary Service
with Kids Program
Sunday 4pm
All-ages Service
Account Name
St Matthews Anglican Church
062 923
Account Number
1004 2107
Our Mission Partners
Thank you for giving to St Matthew’s. Our strong preference is for direct deposits, as we receive exactly the amount you give. However, we can also accept gifts via credit card through the button below. Please note however that a fee of 1.9% + 30c apply, such that if you give $100 St Matts receives $97.80. There is an option to ‘cover the fees’ which you can consider (this increases your giving by the fee amount, such that you would give $102.24 and St Matts would receive $100).
To give via direct debit, use the following details:
Account Name
St Matthews Anglican Church
062 923
Account Number
1004 2107
To give via please use this link
St Matthew’s uses the software platform provider Elvanto to store parishioners’ personal information, including names and contact details. This information is stored on a server located in Australia and is handled by Elvanto in compliance with the Australian Privacy Principles under the Privacy Act 1988. We book events through an Australian-based company named TryBooking, and use the Sydney office of an American-based company to process credit card donations to St Matthew’s. Both TryBooking and use an American-based secure online payment system named Stripe to process your donations and event payments. Stripe’s subcontracted service providers are predominantly located in the European Union and the USA. Parish Council is reasonably satisfied that Elvanto, TryBooking, and Stripe have adequate privacy protection policies and that appropriate privacy protection laws apply in the countries in which your personal information may be transmitted. If you have concerns or would like further information, please contact us at